Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Brushing, what's the big deal??

What is the big deal about brushing? Most likely you have been told the majority of your life to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. You have heard it from your parents ever since you can remember and your dentist and orthodontist tell you every time you go in for an appointment. But why is it such a big deal? Here's why...

Most young people don't understand that if the teeth aren't kept nice and clean, especially when wearing braces, that they can actually end up with permanent stains (decalcification) or even worse, cavities on their teeth. These white colored stains will never go away. They are caused by plaque, which can easily be removed with a toothbrush and floss.

Plaque is a sticky substance, made of bacteria, that forms on the teeth from the foods you eat. You know that "fuzzy" feeling you get on your teeth when you haven't brushed in a while...that's plaque. The bacteria in the plaque produces acids, which if left on the teeth, destroys the enamel and causes decalcification and cavities. The plaque also cause the gums to become red, puffy and bleed easily. Over an extended period of time, it can lead to the loss of bone that supports the teeth in the mouth.

So that's why! Hopefully, now that you understand the reason behind all the fuss, you will pull out that toothbrush and floss on a daily basis and brush those braces until they sparkle. If you aren't quite sure exactly how you should be brushing, take a peek at the brushing video below. By angling the toothbrush, you can more easily reach the surfaces of the teeth next to the gum line above and below the wires. Brush away!


  1. Brushing is really important! My orthodontist in new jersey always tell me to clean my teeth because the risks of teeth stains are big.
