Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Brushing, what's the big deal??

What is the big deal about brushing? Most likely you have been told the majority of your life to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. You have heard it from your parents ever since you can remember and your dentist and orthodontist tell you every time you go in for an appointment. But why is it such a big deal? Here's why...

Most young people don't understand that if the teeth aren't kept nice and clean, especially when wearing braces, that they can actually end up with permanent stains (decalcification) or even worse, cavities on their teeth. These white colored stains will never go away. They are caused by plaque, which can easily be removed with a toothbrush and floss.

Plaque is a sticky substance, made of bacteria, that forms on the teeth from the foods you eat. You know that "fuzzy" feeling you get on your teeth when you haven't brushed in a while...that's plaque. The bacteria in the plaque produces acids, which if left on the teeth, destroys the enamel and causes decalcification and cavities. The plaque also cause the gums to become red, puffy and bleed easily. Over an extended period of time, it can lead to the loss of bone that supports the teeth in the mouth.

So that's why! Hopefully, now that you understand the reason behind all the fuss, you will pull out that toothbrush and floss on a daily basis and brush those braces until they sparkle. If you aren't quite sure exactly how you should be brushing, take a peek at the brushing video below. By angling the toothbrush, you can more easily reach the surfaces of the teeth next to the gum line above and below the wires. Brush away!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Picture is Worth...

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase..."A picture is worth...?" Most likely you said... "a thousand words!" This statement has never been more true than in the office of an orthodontist. 

There are three main types of records that the orthodontist uses to help determine the best possible treatment plan for their patients. The first two are study models and X-rays. The third, which may be seen as a luxury or an unnecessary waste of time,  is clinical photographs. At DiCiccio Orthodontics, photographs are an invaluable tool and provide many benefits to our patients throughout the course of their treatment. 

With the huge advances in technology and training, the orthodontic specialist now has the ability to go beyond simply achieving the traditional orthodontic goals of a "well-aligned and functional dentition." Orthodontist are now placing more and more emphasis on creating facial balance and smile esthetics for our patients. Good clinical photographs during the treatment plan stage gives us the ability to study the soft-tissue patterns and facial balance from many angles. These photographs are an essential part of our treatment planning stage.

Another reason that the clinical photographs are a benefit to our patients is that with the improvements in digital technology and the quality of our X-rays, we no longer find it necessary to put our patients through the grueling task of taking study models. You no longer have to sit there, for what seems like an eternity, with "goop" in your mouth, just so we can have the visual of your teeth. If you've ever had to have study models, you would think this was a huge benefit.

The photographs also become part of your permanent record. Your memory of exactly what your smile looked like prior to treatment often becomes a bit fuzzy. These photographs give us the ability to show you the progress you've made throughout the stages of your orthodontic treatment. They are a great motivational tool and help us to encourage you throughout your treatment. 

From an educational point of view, there is nothing better than a picture. We use the photographs to give instructions and to better communicate with you. For example, the photographs allow you to look more closely at areas that you may be missing with your toothbrush or see what we are trying to correct by having you wear the rubberbands a certain way. We also have the ability to share these images with your family or other dental provider when the need arises. 

We are sure that you can now understand why, in our office, you see lights flashing all the time! Photographs are common occurrence at most of your regular appointments. And if you need a visual reminder of exactly where your treatment began, feel free to ask us to pull up those beginning photos. We will be happy to show you exactly where you began! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We Love What We Do

Just what is it that makes our job so much fun? There are many answers to that question. We would like to share our top three and then let you decide. 

First off, we love being able to make a significant difference in peoples lives. It is amazing to watch the transformation of a person's personality from shy and self-conscious to smiling and self-confident. A beautiful smile can do this. We love creating beautiful smiles!

Second, the DiCiccio Orthodontics team is one, big, happy family. And each patient that walks through our door becomes part of that family, too. Not only do we enjoy working with one another, but we enjoy spending time with our patients and getting to know each one. It is really fun to catch up at each appointment and see how they are doing. Our patients are the best!

Lastly, we love working with our doctor. Dr. DiCiccio is a very skilled orthodontist and up to date on all the latest technology. Besides being good at what he does, Dr. DiCiccio is genuinely concerned about each of his patient and wants the best for them. He communicates with the kids on their level and has a lot of fun during their appointments. He is also an understanding boss and takes really good care of his team.

The greatest compliment you can give us is to refer your friends and family to us for their orthodontic care. Take a look at the video below to see what some of our patients say. We LOVE the things they are saying about's no wonder we love what we do! We'd love to hear what you think...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thumbs Up for Growth & Guidance Appointments

It's no small task getting your child to an appointment of any kind, that's for sure! And when the appointment is very short and seemingly unimportant, it may seem like a waste of time and not worth the effort. 

One type of orthodontic appointment that may be seen this way is what we call a Growth & Guidance appointment. These very short, sometimes only 15 minute appointments are scheduled for children who are not quite ready to start braces. The recommendation by the American Association of Orthodontists is that every child be evaluated by an orthodontic specialist by age 7 or 8. Read further to find out why these appointments are very valuable and possibly some of the most important orthodontic appointments you can go to!

The primary objective of the appointment is to screen for developmental issues such as missing, impacted, or ankylosed permanent teeth which do not always show up on the typical check-up xrays taken by your general dentist. These developmental problems, if not recognized early enough, can complicate the orthodontic treatment making it more difficult and costly in the future. 

The second objective is to evaluate which primary or "baby" teeth your child has lost and which of the permanent teeth have come in. It helps the permanent teeth come in straighter if the primary teeth are lost at the right time and in the right order. Sometimes something as simple as asking your general dentist to remove a baby tooth early can also significantly help guide the permanent teeth into a better location. In most cases, the general dentist will not do this without a request from an orthodontic specialist.  

Another objective of the appointment is to guide your family as to the most optimal time to begin treatment. Our office philosophy is to provide the highest quality care, in the shortest amount of time possible with the fewest number of visits for today's busy families. We do not believe in putting braces on a patient until that patient is absolutely ready. Starting too early will mean that your child may have the braces for too long which increases their chances of negative side-effects, as well as cooperation issues because your child has gotten burnt-out on wearing the braces. If the treatment is complicated because of problems that were left unmonitored, treatment can end up extending into the later years of high school and the important activities that go along with those years. Most high school kids don't want to have their braces on for their senior pictures or their high school graduation!

As you can see, these Growth & Guidance appointments are very important. By closely following your child's development, we can help them get the treatment they need when they need it. Although the appointments are very short and can seem like a waste of time, we want to make sure your child is progressing towards an excellent orthodontic result. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...the Winning Year!

We don't know about you but the word "resolution" brings a feeling of defeat! As we sit at the beginning of a new year, we've set some goals that we can absolutely achieve to make 2013 a winning year all the way around!

During our recent team retreat in Las Vegas, one of the goals the DiCiccio Orthodontics team members set for themselves was to Improve Our Health. This includes getting in good physical shape through exercise and an improved diet. We think that an improved smile is part of this as well. A beautiful smile makes you look younger and improves your self-confidence. A healthy mouth is also a good indicator of overall well-being. Be sure to let us know if we can help you achieve this goal for yourself.

Another goal we decided upon was to Balance Our Budget. We decided to take some time to look where we might be able to cut back and keep those extra pennies in our own wallet. Maybe this means one less Starbucks per week or eliminating extra movie channels we never have time to watch. These added pennies might be just the ones we need to help accomplish the other goals we have set.

One of our continued goals is to Pay It Forward. This goal includes getting involved in our community and doing something for someone else. We enjoy being involved in local philanthropic organizations and look for opportunities every day to show a kindness or do something for someone else. Not only does it make us realize how good our life really is, but it helps make our community a better place. 

With today's busy lifestyle, one goal that we felt was very important was to take time to Relax and Reflect. If this goal is not made a priority, those cherished moments to yourself are quickly eaten up by never-ending chores or the "to-do list" that is a mile long. The world of technology makes it too easy to work 24/7. This precious time gives us the opportunity to prioritize and goes a long way towards reducing the stress of life.

To become the best we can be, one of our goals is to Connect with Our Faith. Each of us has our own set of beliefs that determine our actions. No matter what your faith, it is important to listen to that still, small voice inside. With a strengthened faith, we know we have the tools and confidence to deal with whatever challenges may come our way. 

Last but not least, we challenged ourselves to Do Something New. Whether it's finding a new hobby, exploring a new place, or learning a new skill, we think it is important to stimulate our minds and grow through new experiences. Our team has set their eyes on some fun new experiences for this year. Don't be afraid to ask them what their "new thing" for the year is.

All in all...when we look at our goals, they seem pretty do-able! Especially when we aren't using the "R" word. We challenge you to set some goals as well. We know this coming year is going to be a winning year for us, we hope it is for you too! 

We give you the challenge..."Have the courage to begin and the determination to win!" ~Sinead Duffy