DiCiccio Orthodontics is excited to announce our new contest for 2013 and anyone can play!
In January, we will begin distributing car magnets like the one you see to the right. Starting March 1, 2013, our team will become the "magnet police" around town. They will be on the look out for your vehicle bearing the magnet. If they spot you, they will let you know by placing a card on your car.
To enter the drawing, simply fill out the card and return it to us. Each month, 4 cards will be selected to win a $25 Amazon gift card. One lucky winner will be drawn to win the yearly grand prize of FREE BRACES! It's as simple as that!!

To get your magnets, simply stop by the office. Feel free to give them to family and friends. We hope to SPOT you all over town.
Disclaimer: There is no cash value associated with this contest and no refunds will be issued.